Sensors & Specialised Object & Vehicle Detecting Systems
Sensors for moving & stationary targets & specialised vehicle detection systems.
Sensor & Detector Types
* Laser
* Photoelectric infrared
* Microwave Doppler
* Ultrasonic
* Induction Loop & Wireless Detectors

RADAR Sensors (RAdio Detecting And Ranging)
RADAR Sensors for object & vehicle sensing & anti collision applications
* Detects stationary & moving targets
* All weather applications
* Tough rugged housing UV & Weather Resistant (IP67)
* Easy plug & play configuration (Dip Switch selectable settings)
* Selectable sensing range (2m, 3m, 4m, 6m, 8m, 12m, 16m, 24m)
* Power input requirements 12-30vDC
* Dip Switch Selectable Bipolar NPN/PNP Output N.O. or N.C.

Laser Sensor & Scanning System
Advanced Laser Sensor System for Advanced Object Detection
* Detects stationary & moving targets
* All weather applications
* Tough rugged diecast housing UV & Weather Resistant (IP67)
* Easy plug & play configuration (Programmable via LCD Screen))
* Selectable sensing range (2m, 3m, 4m, 6m, 8m, 12m, 16m, 24m)
* Power input requirements 12-30vDC
* Selectable Bipolar NPN/PNP Output N.O. or N.C.

Photoelectric Infrared Sensors
Infrared Photoelectric Sensors
* Transmitter & Receiver Type Sensors (Through-beam)
* Sensing range Up To 40m
* Reflective Type Infrared Sensors (TX-RX with Reflector)
* V Focal Infrared Sensor (Adjustable range 500mm to 3000mm)
* IP 67
* Relay Output (Com, No, Nc)
* Power input requirements 12-24v AC/DC

Ultrasonic Sensors
Ultrasonic Sensors to Suit a Wide Range of Applications
* Vehicle detection systems
* Pedestrian detection systems
* Long & Short Sensing Range Applications
* Easy Teach programming via on-board push buttons
* IO-Link connect for programming via PC
* IP Ratings 67 (Not for outdoor use)
* Power input requirements 12-30v DC

Wireless Induction Detectors
Wireless vehicle detection systems
* Wireless Cartell Puck vehicle detectors systems
* Wireless Palgate vehicle detector systems
* Power input requirements 12-24v AC/DC
* Relay output (Com, Nc, No)
* Hard wired version available

Induction Loop Detectors
Induction vehicle detections systems
* Single channel & dual channel loop detector modules
* Conventional in-ground loop detectors (In-road surface type)
* Subsurface pre-wound loop detectors systems
* Power input requirements 12-24v AC/DC
* Relay output (Com, Nc, No)

Infrared, Microwave, Doppler RADAR Door Sensors
Sensor for automated Swing, Sliding Roller shutters, & Rapid-roll Doors.
* BEA Condor
* BEA Falcon
* BEA LZR Laser Scanners
* BEA LZR Flatscan Swing door safety sensor
* BEA LRZ Widescan
* BEA Sparrow door scanner
* BEA 4-Safe Swing door safety sensor